The biggest time consumer as of late has been a new pro-life handbook we've been working on, the first copies of which we expect to be getting back from the printer this afternoon.

A few of my co-workers and I have put hundreds of hours into the project — researching, writing, finding pictures, consulting with a graphic designer, editing, proofreading, editing and proofreading, proofreading and editing; well, you get the idea — and we're really happy with the finished product, which we're calling Sharing the Pro-Life Message.
We've giving copies away for free, and I'm happy to say we've been inundated with requests so far.
Here's the story on our site announcing the release of Sharing the Pro-Life Message.
You can order your copy here:
Hey, bring one by Saint John's for me!
Very laudable project.
I am interested to receive a copy of your project, and would be very appreciative.
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