Monday, June 9, 2008

Worth Watching

On a friend's recommendation, I recently watched The Ninth Day.

This site gives a synopsis:

February, 1942. A Luxembourg priest is released from the Dachau concentration camp and sent home. The Nazis, annoyed with the bishop of Luxembourg's refusal to co-operate, plan to use him to give public support to Hitlers policies. Gebhardt, a superior officer in the Gestapo, gives Kremer nine days to make a decision. If he refuses their offer, he will immediately be sent back to the camp.

I very much enjoyed this film, and highly recommend it.

So too does Stephen Greydanus, the National Catholic Register's film critic, whose review is here.

1 comment:

The Dutchman said...

I recommend it too! Watched it with my two little ones about three weeks ago and they really got into it. The Chicago Public Library has copies that you can check out for free, so no one living in Chi-town has any excuse not to see it!