Monday, March 16, 2009

Truth Is Sometimes Stranger than Fiction

Which of the following actually happened at a community college in Washington State?

  • (a) A human rights student group wanted to post materials around campus encouraging people to work to stop the genocide in Darfur, but was told by the school that they would also have to post materials encouraging people to work to continue the genocide in Darfur.

  • (b) An anti-racism student group wanted to post anti-racist materials around campus, but was told by the school that they would also have to post materials from the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood.

  • (c) A feminist student group wanted to post materials around campus encouraging people to work to stop violence against women, but was told by the school that they would also have to post materials promoting violence against women.

  • (d) A student service organization wanted to post materials around campus to raise awareness of individuals in the community suffering from poverty, but was told by the school that they would also have to post materials promoting ignorance of individuals in the community suffering from poverty.

  • (e) A pro-life student group wanted to post pro-life information around campus about the harms of abortion, but was told by the school that they would also have to post pro-abortion information.

You can probably guess which one is the right answer.

[HT: JivinJ]

[Cross-posted at Generations for Life]

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