Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Do You Support a Woman's Right to Choose?"

Note: I had intended to cross-post the following entry on Friday (I had originally posted it on the Generations for Life Blog that morning), but in my exuberance at the big news of the day, it slipped my mind. So I'm posting it now.


This morning as I was waiting to catch the train to get to work, I was approached by a guy named Robert Marshall, who is planning to run for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Roland Burris. He asked if I would sign a petition to put his name on the Democratic primary ballot.

So I asked him the first question I ask anyone who tells me he's running for office:

Do you support a woman's right to choose?

The first question I used to ask was: "Are you pro-life?" But I soon realized that this is the wrong question to ask, because then the person you're talking to will automatically assume you're pro-life, and so, to tell you what you want to hear, there's a decent chance that if he's pro-choice he'll say "Yes" — which he could later try to justify by saying that he is "personally opposed to abortion, but..."

That's why I think, "Do you support a woman's right to choose?" is a much better question to ask. Then if the person is pro-choice, he's more likely to give you an honest answer, because he'll probably assume you are too. (And if, on the other hand, he is sincerely pro-life, he won't be afraid to tell you.)

So, in answer to my question, he said he did, and we went on to have a short conversation that went something like this:

Me: So you support the right of a human being to kill another human being?

Him: No, I just think every woman should be able to make that decision for herself.

Me: Have you ever seen pictures of aborted babies?

Him: I'm a doctor. [!]

Me: So you should know that abortion takes the life of a human being.

Him: It's not a human being. It's a fetus.

Me: "Fetus" is just a Latin word that means, like, "little one" or something. What sort of being is it? A horse being? A gerbil being?

Him: OK, it's a human being.

Me: So you support the right of a human being to kill another human being?

Him: It's not a human being. It's a fetus.

Me: But you just said ten seconds ago it was a human being.

Him: Have a nice day.

And then he walked away.

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