Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Not Your Father's Pornography"

A few months ago on the Catholic Dads Blog a post appeared (which, in turn, referred to this post by Father Valcheck on the blog Adam's Ale) about the unspeakable dangers inflicted on a father's children if they come into contact with his pornography (or any pornography, for that matter).

The latter elicited some insightful comments that are well worth checking out.

I came across these posts just a day or two after reading an article in the January 2008 issue of First Things titled "Not Your Father's Pornography".

My contribution to the comments section noted that Byassee's article is an excellent primer on just how bad the let's-see-how-far-we-can-push-the-limits porn of today is compared to that of, say, a generation ago. (It also has some beautiful reflections on the theological meaning of what sex really is.)

At the time, however, the full article was not available.

It is now.

If you read nothing else today, read that.

[Cross-posted at Catholic Dads]

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