Friday, October 26, 2007

Where the Run for the Roses is Run

Last weekend, all six inhabitants of Haus Jansen packed in the minivan and headed to Louisville, KY for a college friend's wedding.

The wedding itself was beautiful, and it was great to see some folks we hadn't seen since graduation (in 2000).

We also had the chance to visit Churchill Downs for the first time, as that's where the reception was held—to be specific, in a section of the facility known as Millionaires Row. (Although considering the fact that we were there, it's apparently open to non-millionaires, too.)

Being six floors up, it offered a stellar view of the infield and the area surrounding the track, which you can somewhat make out in this picture of our pamilya here:

Here's another one from ground level, outside the track:

My one regret about the experience: I think the bar was just serving beer and wine, as I didn't see any liquor bottles, but at the very least, it couldn't have hurt to ask for a mint julep, but I forgot to do so.

Ah well; there's always next time.

1 comment:

sunnyday said...

It was interesting to have "Kentucky Derby" and "wedding" in the same sentence--at first I was confused about the idea of having a bridal entourage at a racetrack...then I just had to read your post again to understand that it was the reception that was held there.

Interesting, that ice for the mint julep was imported from the Alps =)

Your family sure is lovely, and your youngest is growing quite fast.
